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Designer At Work

Letter proposal

Blended Learning-Reading for Pleasure

Dear teachers and administrators of CVISD,

          Reading is essential in the lives of our school-age children. During my experience as a teacher, I have noticed that students do not like to read and that they only read out of obligation. I am currently studying an MED in Applied Digital Learning. I have acquired some concepts, approaches, and models that allow me to propose to pilot the Blended Learning program to implement it with students. Blended Learning is a program where students can learn using technology with teacher guidance. We can implement it for a year, and we will be able to acquire data and determine the efficiency of the Blended Learning with Rotation model program. Iam proposing to pilot the implementation of Blended Learning with Rotation model, which consists of the Rotation Center, Lab Rotation, and Flipped Rotation.  

Rotation Center consists of placing four stations:  

    1.- Small-group direct instruction with the teacher. 

     2.- Audiobooks using iPad also some apps like I-station. 

     3.- Writing center where the children will draw what they liked most about the story.  

     4.-Pretend to be a character. 

         At these stations, students will rotate every 20 minutes and can learn in a fun way.  

        Lab Rotation consists of taking students once a week to work on different applications such as I-station.  

       Flipped Classroom consists of students accessing the station platform to read books and then asking the teacher questions in the classroom.  

          This proposal aims to create an environment in the classroom where the students can learn freely and at their own pace. Some benefits would be that students will progress in their own time, space, and at their level. They will also be able to acquire the habit of reading and READ for pleasure. Dr. Seuss says, "The more that you Read, the more things you will Know. The more that you Learn, the more places you will Go." 

 Please, let me know if you need any additional information or more specific details. 

Kind regards, 

 Lorena Rodriguez   

Letter Proposal: Text
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