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Assess Digital Learning and Instruction

During 22 years of experience in the field of work, I have seen the same problem repeated year after year: children do not like to read, and very few students feel comfortable reading. So based on my experience, I started with creating my innovation plan, which is focused on promoting/increasing reading comprehension in prekindergarten students. During the learning of Blended Learning with station rotation, I found a more precise focus for my action research. Now I can reflect on the planning of my action research and thus create more fun activities and stations where students can be creative. Reading for pleasure creates a bond between the reader and the book, capable of having fun, entertaining, developing the imagination, enriching the vocabulary, and discovering new places (National Library of New Zealand). Dr. Seus wrote, "the more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you will go" (Chegg, 2022).  

This literature review will examine a variety of articles, academic citations, and books on blended learning with Station Rotation, its advantages and disadvantages, and the connection to reading and comprehension. All this information helps carry out my action research about how station rotation with blended learning impacts ELA achievement and comprehension in my PreK classroom?

  The research question for this project is, How does station rotation with blended learning impact ELA achievement and comprehension in my PreK classroom? As a preschool teacher, I am interested in learning about the relationship between blended learning and its impact on reading.

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