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Image by Omid Armin

Implementation outline

Blended Learning-Reading for Pleasure 

Step 1 Preparation –at the beginning of the year- 

1.1- Learning  

  • Observe the students  

  • Educate yourself on the subject (Literature review) 

  • Define the model to use  

  • Define for whom the project is focused 

  • Define what the purpose is 

  • How will it be implemented? 

1.2-Technology and apps to use: 

  • Frog street A to Z 

  • ClassLink 

  • I-station 

  • Seesaw 

  • Starfall  

  • Computers 

  • Personal advice for using it at home  

  • iPad 

1.3-Set the goals: 

  • Create lifelong learners by encouraging reading 

  • For preschool students who do not like to read. 

  • To promote reading for pleasure. 

  • Implement Blended Learning approach, Station Rotation, Lab Rotation, and Flipped Classroom. 

Step 2 Planning –At the beginning of the year- 

2.1-How Blended learning enhances reading? 

    2.1.1- Rotation Center 

  • Small Group center (with the teacher) 

  • Technologies center (iPad) 

  • Writing center (draw any part that students like) 

  • Dramatization center 9pretend to be a character) 

2.1.2- Flipped Classroom 

  • Students log in at home on the ClassLink app and log into Seesaw at least once a week. 

2.1.3- Lab Rotation 

  • Students will use the computer lab one day a week for 45 minutes. 

Step 3 Present Proposal –Two weeks- 

  • Letter Proposal 

  • Share the proposal with managers and colleagues and motivate interest in the project's development.  

  • Explain how the Station Rotation, Lab Rotation, and Flipped Classroom of Blended Learning works.  

  • Meet with the parents to inform them about the project. 

Step 4 Implementation in classroom with students and collecting data –at the beginning of the year- 


Week one 



Develop the project according to the pre-kinder Texas and Frog Street curriculum guidelines. It must have a sequence with the topics according to the planning of the preschool. 

Students can select the book to read and enjoy reading, whether in class, computer lab, or home. 

Students can use ClassLink, I-station, Starfall, Frog Street A to Z, and Seesaw. They will also have the flexibility to read it as many times as they wish. The images presented in the books help develop reading comprehension and motivate them to read more dynamically. 


The Teacher collects data each week and learns about student progress. Applying C.O.V.A, the teacher will make a formative assessment through questions. After collecting data and doing a formative assessment for each student, readings can be assigned depending on the needs of each student 


This project is designed to be implemented week after week throughout the school year; keep changing the Texas preschool guidelines and Frog Street curriculum. 


Week two 



We continue the project based on the preschool Texas and Frog Street curriculum guidelines. Students continue to read and use the platforms mentioned in the first week.  

During this second week, the students will be motivated to continue reading since they are in an environment where the Blended Learning approach is used based on Station rotation, Flipped Classroom, and Lab computer rotation.  

Students will share all the books they have read in the classroom, computer lab, and home. The teacher as a guide will help students identify characters, places, the beginning, the after, and the end of a story; children will also determine if they liked it or not and why. Activate the creativity and imagination of the students through questions guided by the teacher.


The Teacher collects data each week and learns about student progress. Applying C.O.V.A, the teacher will make a formative assessment through questions. After collecting data and doing a formative assessment for each student, readings can be assigned depending on the needs of each student. 


This project is designed to be implemented week after week throughout the school year; keep changing the Texas preschool guidelines and Frog Street curriculum.  

Step 5 Coordination with the team –at the end of the scholar year- 

  • Show the team the collected data and explain the benefits of this project 

5.1- In collaboration with my colleagues and the team leader, we agreed to:  

  • Link the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines to Frog Street curriculum. 

  • Prepare the centers each week with the necessary materials and link them with the pre-k Texas guidelines and Frog Street curriculum. 

  • Create teams for each class according to academic level. 

  • Create the rotation center schedule for each class. 

  • Create the schedule to go to the Lab Center for each class once a week. 

  •  Inform parents about the project and make them aware of the importance of supervising and helping their children with reading at home. 

  • Provide support to parents who do not have technology at home, such as iPad and hotspots. 

Step 6 Implementation, Evaluation and Time – at the beginning of the next year- 

  • Implement implementation and evaluation throughout the school year. 

Week One 


Develop the project according to the pre-kinder Texas and Frog Street curriculum guidelines. It must have a sequence with the topics according to the planning of the preschool. 

Students can select the book to read and enjoy reading, whether in class, computer lab, or home. 

Students can use ClassLink, I-station, Starfall, Frog Street A to Z, and Seesaw. They will also have the flexibility to read it as many times as they wish. The images presented in the books help develop reading comprehension and motivate them to read more dynamically. 


Teachers collect data each week and learn about student progress. Applying C.O.V.A, the teacher will make a formative assessment through questions. After collecting data and doing a formative assessment for each student, readings can be assigned depending on the needs of each student


This project is designed to be implemented week after week throughout the school year; keep changing the Texas preschool guidelines and Frog Street curriculum.  

Week Two 


We continue the project based on the preschool Texas and Frog Street curriculum guidelines. Students continue to read and use the platforms mentioned in the first week.  

During this second week, the students will be motivated to continue reading since they are in an environment where the Blended Learning approach is used based on Station rotation, Flipped Classroom, and Lab computer rotation.  

Students will share all the books they have read in the classroom, computer lab, and home. The teacher as a guide will help students identify characters, places, the beginning, the after, and the end of a story; children will also determine if they liked it or not and why. Activate the creativity and imagination of the students through questions guided by the teacher. 


Teachers collect data each week and learn about student progress. Applying C.O.V.A, the teacher will make a formative assessment through questions. After collecting data and doing a formative assessment for each student, readings can be assigned depending on the needs of each student. 


This project is designed to be implemented week after week throughout the school year; keep changing the Texas preschool guidelines and Frog Street curriculum.  

Step 7 Data collection  

  • Each week the teacher reviews the data collection of the platforms used and will analyze to adjust the program so that all children have optimal results.  

  • In collaboration with teachers and the team leader, once a month, we will review the results obtained from each class and make the corresponding modifications to improve the program. 

  • Every two months, administration staff will review the data collected, and teachers will have a meeting to determine the progress and weaknesses of the program so that we can make changes. 

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