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Today’s world needs a workforce of creative, curious, and self-directed lifelong learners who are capable of conceiving and implementing novel ideas.” 

-Salman Khan,  

Founder of Khan Academy 



I believe that by inspiring our students to learn in a fun way that develops their imagination and creativity, they will build their love of learning. 



By implementing a significant learning environment, Blended Learning with a flexible station rotation and student-centered learning; we can motivate them to have happy learning.



We will have confident, fearless, and lifelong students who will be able to practice their creativity. 




It is easy to say that we must make changes in education, but change is not easy. It is necessary to start with minor changes in the classroom. It is needed because the world focusing on technology is changing rapidly. During these last 20 years, technology has made significant advances from mobile phones, and computers, even in the medical area. During college, I heard the word vocation many times, and after connecting with Dr. Kotter, I realized that vocation is the love that one has in our profession. Doing the work with happiness and love will have positive results for our students, and of course, we will have a connection with the children. Giving love to children will make them feel fearless and confident to learn in class. I often hear teachers complain about their jobs, either because of the pay, in the end, I see that they are not happy being educators; when I hear negative comments, I always tell them to change jobs. There must be an urgency to motivate students to do what their passion encourages them to have a happier life and develop their creativity and learn. We need to create a significant learning environment with flexibility, and students have a voice, choice, and ownership in authentic learning opportunities (COVA+CSLE). With this environment, we will have students with the confidence to express their ideas, and thus they will not be afraid to put their creativity into practice.


My teamwork: 

Lola Gatlin 

Stacie Perez 

Leticia Cortez 

Lorena Rodriguez 



Kotter, J. (2011, March 23). The heart of change. [Video File]. Retrieved from 

Kotter, J. (2013, August 15). Leading change: Establish a sense of urgency. [Video File]. Retrieved from 

Khan, S. (2012). The one world schoolhouse: Education reimagined. New York: Twelve.

Sinek, S. (2011). Start with why: How great leaders inspire everyone to take action. Portfolio/Penguin. 

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