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The 4 Disciplines of Execution

The best strategies fail if it is not accompanied by a correct execution to implement the plans and systems that ensure the transformation and sustainability of the organization. As we know that no strategic result is achievable unless team members change their behavior. For this to happen, we will need to get commitment from the team amid the daily grind, which is not easy as there will always be a whirlwind to deal with: urgent activities required to keep things running on a day-to-day basis. This whirlwind will consume the team's time and energy, preventing future strategic plans from being executed.

Sean Covey, Chris McChesney, and Jim Huling solve this problem of strategic execution in the company, proposing the method of The 4 Disciplines of Execution. The 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX) is the training that provides the keys to generating habit and commitment in meeting objectives and getting teams and individuals to commit to executing what is most important.

D-1 Focus on the Wildly Important


Implement Blended learning to Increase daily reading from 10 to 20 minutes by December 10, 2023.


D-3 Keep a Compelling Scoreboard


Teacher 1

  • Teacher will share their data every week.

  • The Scoreboard will be visible to everyone, so it will be posted in the teacher's lounge. This will encourage the participating teachers to stay on task to meet goals.Here is an idea for a Scoreboard to track each student's reading time daily and weekly.


D-2 Act on the Lead Measures

Lag Measure:
Increase 10 to 20 minutes of daily reading.
Lead Measures:

1-Ensure that 98% of teachers implement Blended learning environment in their classroom.
2-Ensure that teachers Implement Blended Learning two hours a day.



D-4 Create a Cadence of Accountability

Weekly teachers will have a 25 minutes WIG conference to:

  • Review the scoreboard from the previous week. 

  • Report on the success of our engagements of the prior week. 

  • Make commitments for the following week.

  • Member of the team makes personal commitments to drive the lead measure.

4Dx Cadence of Accountability.jpg

The Five Stages of Change

1:Getting Clear

During this stage, the teachers:

  • will set the WIG

  • Will identify Lag and Lead Measures

  • will develop a compelling Scoreboard

  • will commit to attending weekly WIG sessions for 25 minutes 

  • will hold each other accountable

Key Actions in implementing 4DX

  • Be a model of focus on the Wildly Important Goal(s).

  • Identify high-leverage lead measures.

  • Create a players' scoreboard.

  • Schedule WIG Sessions at least weekly and hold them.

Key Actions to a successful launch:

  • Recognize that a launch phase requires focus and energy -especially from the leader.

  • Remain focused and implement the 4DX process diligently. You can trust the process.

  • Identify your Models, No Yets, and Nevers (more on these groups below).

3: Adoption

During this stage, the teachers:

  •  will make commitments 

  • will track results on the Scoreboard 

  • will make modifications depending on the needs that arise during the process. 

  • will give training to those who are not ready yet 

  • will provide support to those who are reluctant to change.

2: Launch


  • After everything is clear, it is time to hold a formal kick-off meeting and launch our WIG into action. 

  • It is essential to identify "models" (entirely on board), "resisters" (not wanting to get on board), and "potentials" (struggling but still on board).

Keys to successful adoption of 4DX:

  • Focus first on adherence to the process, then on results.

  • Make commitments and hold one another accountable in weekly WIG Sessions.

  • Track results each week on a visible scoreboard.

  • Make adjustments as needed.

Invest in the Not Yests through additional training and mentoring.

  • Respond straightforwardly to issues with Nevers, and clear the path for them if needed.


At this stage, the teachers: 

  • will shift to a 4DX mindset 

  • will more be engaged in their work

  • will start looking for new ways to optimize their performance 

  • will take ownership of the process 

  • during the WIG meeting, they will focus on the results

  • will make weekly precise and clear commitments

  • if necessary, they will move the Lag Measures and Lead Measures to continue to rise

Key actions:

  • Encourage and recognize abundant creative ideas for moving the lead measures, even if some work better than others.

  • Recognize excellent follow-through, and celebrate successes.

  • Encourage team members to clear the path for one another and celebrate this when it happens.

  • Recognize when the Not Yets start performing like the Models.


At this stage, the teachers:

  • will develop habits of execution that would ensure future success 

  • will celebrate accomplishments 

  • will help struggling team members 

  • will create a new goal

Keys to help the team make 4DX habitual:

  • Celebrate the accomplishment of the WIG.

  • Move immediately to new WIGs in order to formalize 4DX as your operating system.

  • Emphasize that your new operating standard is sustained superior performance on lead measures.

  • Help individual team members become high performers.

Influencer Model and 4DX Model


The 4DX and Influencer Model focus on changing behaviors to achieve goals. 4DX Model is based on focus, leverage, engagement, and accountability principles.  The Influencer Model is as it focuses on personal, social, and structural motivations and abilities. Also, it is about changing behaviors to achieve measurable results. The main difference that I could notice is that in the 4DX Model, all the members of the team participate in the creation of the objectives, especially in the WIG, and this makes the members obtain ownership and thus responsibly commit themselves to make changes in the behaviors for reach the WIG and feel like winners. On the other hand, the objective of the Influencer model is broader; therefore, some members could see it as more work to do. It is also focused on influencing what is around to make changes in behavior, which, I consider, does not help to acquire ownership in their decisions; therefore, it is more difficult to achieve changes in behaviors.

These two Models would be of great benefit to combine them to guarantee changes in the schools and thus work in a comfortable environment, to work happily.

Grenny, J., Patterson, K., Maxfield, D., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2013). Influencer: The new science of leading change. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

McChesney, C., Covey, S., & Huling, J. (2012). The 4 disciplines of execution: Achieving your wildly important goals. New York, NY: Free Press.

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