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  • Writer's picturelorenaga2005

Connecting the Dots

We have been educated to collect points. In the first instance, the student who had the highest grade was praised during elementary school, although this did not mean that he had learned. Currently, schools are required to collect points, but we need to change this approach. From collecting to connecting dots. But what does it mean to connect dots? It is learning theory, skills, concepts, and experiences to connect them and obtain a result.

An example is, with the pandemic, teachers had to innovate the way of teaching, and we had to ask them what to teach? And how to teach? I learned to use technology and connect the content to be prepared with videos, conferences, and face-to-face use applications. Also, how are we going to evaluate? It was another challenge; at first, the students sent photos of the work through message, then we learned to use google classroom. This situation kept us thinking about what and how to have learning in children. This situation was not easy for parents, teachers, and students. Let's find our BHAG and make our students connect with their passion. We can make the student reflect and connect previous knowledge with new knowledge through the questions.

Aligning Outcomes, Activities & Assessments

In preschool, it is essential that the centers are connected with the topics that are being learned during the weeks. For example, we have been learning insects these weeks, so in the math center, there were insects of different colors and sizes where students could connect previous topics such as making ab patterns but now with insects.

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