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  • Writer's picturelorenaga2005

Heart and Mind

Updated: Jun 17, 2022

Change is difficult to make and promote due to many factors; mention one in the educational field, some teachers have been educators for more than 20 years and have been teaching in the same traditional way, which gives results. They do not want to change because they feel comfortable with their traditional method and therefore comply with the district's requirements. In my opinion, and after seeing the videos required for this week, to promote change, we first need to start personally and start in the classroom. Afterward, with the results, we will be able to encourage the changes made at a personal and professional level in the classroom.

My parents raised me and always taught me to put my heart into everything I undertook in life. My dad says, "being happy is the most important thing in life, so don't complicate your life by having material things, better Enjoy and be happy." When I was a little younger, I used to say that it was mediocrity and conformist, but now I tell my dad it's true to be happy, so I'm teaching my children to be happy.

Asking ourselves the why of things awakens our creativity, and thus we can create a sense of urgency and focus on what we need, whether personal or professional.

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