During the video, I could hear a phrase that was repeated over and over again, which was (clarified with different words but the same meaning) "it the world is moving at e tremendous rate no one knows where we must educate our children not for the world of the path not for our worlds but for their world the world of the future." Last night, while watching the news, I heard Judge Sotomayor say, "Children are the future." I also heard that the knowledge gained during the experience is better understood and retained longest.
In my opinion, I believe that there have been changes in education because we have been changing so much in technology, and now schools have more teaching materials, laboratories, libraries, gymnasiums, and stadiums.
The article that I read about People who like this stuff... It applies at an educational level because teachers, principals, and administrators are sometimes from traditional education. And they think that they have had results and therefore they do not want to change their way of teaching, and this would be one of the challenges in schools.