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  • My Why | Lorena Rodriguez

    “Today’s world needs a workforce of creative, curious, and self-directed lifelong learners who are capable of conceiving and implementing novel ideas.” -Salman Khan, Founder of Khan Academy Why I believe that by inspiring our students to learn in a fun way that develops their imagination and creativity, they will build their love of learning. How By implementing a significant learning environment, Blended Learning with a flexible station rotation and student-centered learning; we can motivate them to have happy learning. What We will have confident, fearless, and lifelong students who will be able to practice their creativity. Reflection: It is easy to say that we must make changes in education, but change is not easy. It is necessary to start with minor changes in the classroom. It is needed because the world focusing on technology is changing rapidly. During these last 20 years, technology has made significant advances from mobile phones, and computers, even in the medical area. During college, I heard the word vocation many times, and after connecting with Dr. Kotter, I realized that vocation is the love that one has in our profession. Doing the work with happiness and love will have positive results for our students, and of course, we will have a connection with the children. Giving love to children will make them feel fearless and confident to learn in class. I often hear teachers complain about their jobs, either because of the pay, in the end, I see that they are not happy being educators; when I hear negative comments, I always tell them to change jobs. There must be an urgency to motivate students to do what their passion encourages them to have a happier life and develop their creativity and learn. We need to create a significant learning environment with flexibility, and students have a voice, choice, and ownership in authentic learning opportunities (COVA+CSLE) . With this environment, we will have students with the confidence to express their ideas, and thus they will not be afraid to put their creativity into practice. My teamwork: Lola Gatlin Stacie Perez Leticia Cortez Lorena Rodriguez References Kotter, J. (2011, March 23). The heart of change. [Video File]. Retrieved from Kotter, J. (2013, August 15). Leading change: Establish a sense of urgency. [Video File]. Retrieved from Khan, S. (2012). The one world schoolhouse: Education reimagined. New York: Twelve. Sinek, S. (2011). Start with why: How great leaders inspire everyone to take action. Portfolio/Penguin. My Innovation Plan Blog 5304

  • EDLD-5317 Resources Digital Environment | Lorena Rodriguez

    Resources Digital Environment Technology is everywhere and gives us several benefits, such as finding information at the moment. So it is essential to know how to use it responsibly and safely. In the course 5317 Resources Digital Environment, I learned the process involved in an online publication. To learn about this process, I invite you to click on the first step, ; It is essential to visualize and answer critical questions to focus on the topic and be specific and clear about what we want to make known. Second step, here, we begin to write based on the guide of the questions, and we also write facts about the subject; it is vital to have foundations in what we write. The third step is to create a video with significant points on the topic to attract the reader's interest. Finally, the is already with the necessary modifications made, and we can already publish it. I posted my Final draft on Final Draft Publication Outline Media Project Publication RoughDraft Contributions-5317 Blog ADL-5317

  • Learning Network | We can Grow Together!!!!!

    Learning Network "A professional Learning Network is a vibrant, ever-changing group pf connections to which teachers go to both share and learn. These groups reflect our, values, passions, and areas of expertise". by Brianna Crowley Teamwork is very valuable and nutritious because we can share ideas doubts and help others be successful. Look at the groups I belong to, and I am pleased to be part of them. For teamwork to be successful, they considered that collaboration requires great responsibility and commitment to fulfill the tasks shared among the members. Communication must also be clear to facilitate the exchange of information between members. The sum of all the team's ideas and work helps achieve a better result. Likewise, teamwork increases motivation and stimulates creativity. Feedforward vs Feedback link 3 Steps for Building a Professional Learning Network link All things kindergarten Facebook This group has helped me to organize the classroom with different topics. Pre-K, kindergarten and 1st Grade Teacher's Group Facebook This is my favorite group because the teachers have so much creativity to work with the students. Digital's Teachers Facebook I am new to this group, and I am amazed at all the advantages of using technology as a tool to help students learn. Back Blog-5302

  • Additional Resources | We can Grow Together!!!!!

    Additional resources I invite you to learn more about blended learning, and here are some books to continue our learning. 2020 Ultimate Guide to blended Learning Educational technology/The Trusted Voice of ICT in Education. (2020). 2020 Ultimate Guide to blended Learning. English. ET. Retrieved from: Ultimate guide to blended learning | Education Technology ( Balance With blended Learning Tucker, C. (2020). Balance With blended Learning. CA. USA. English. Corwin A SAGE Company. Retrieved from: PDF Final Blended learning-Reading for Pleasure Back

  • About Me | We can Grow Together!!!!!

    Lorena Rodriguez About me I am from Allende Nuevo León Mexico. I currently live in Channelview, Texas. I have been a teacher for 20 years, and I am passionate about educating preschool students. I have decided to venture into this new chapter of my life, and that is to study MED Applied Digital Learning. The reason is that technology has advanced by leaps and bounds.

  • Alternate PL-Call to Action | Lorena Rodriguez

    Alternate PL-Call to Action WHY Every organizational field has some form of professional development, whether healthcare, hospitality, business, or education. Corporate leaders are always trying to find ways to help develop their employees. However, unlike in other fields, an educator's purpose is to educate and inspire students to learn. A truly effective teacher must create a significant learning environment where students can develop as learning as they use their imagination and explore their passions. Students are not the only ones who must learn. Teachers also need an opportunity to build and grow in a significant learning environment. By providing teachers with meaningful professional learning in blended learning, they will be able to use 21st-century skills to increase student engagement. What By providing meaningful professional learning, teachers can explore creativity through choice, ownership, voice, and authenticity, allowing them a first-hand experience in which they can relate to the students and grant them a similar opportunity How Our group consisted of four ladies who spent many hours putting the video together. On day one, we worked together on building our narrative; brainstormed on which direction we would like to take. After editing our description, we met on day 2 in the morning to finish the script and started a presentation on Google Slides. We looked for images that correlated with our message. That evening, we met to complete our description and Google slide presentation. On the third day, we debated whether to move our production to Canva or keep it on Google Slides. After weighing our options, we went with Google Slides. When recording the video for our Professional Learning call to action, we tried Loom to record and found out that it would not work for us because Loom would not allow us to share the presentation with everyone while recording. We tried zoom video and found it worked for us. We then went back and edited our narrative and slides. We broke down the description into paragraphs and assigned everyone apart to narrate in the video. We did a few practice rounds before the final recording to ensure we got the words to the appropriate slides. After we all felt better, we recorded several takes before we were satisfied with it. Although we were confident with the narration of the video and slides, there were some things we needed to edit out. Stacie and Lola used their software and devices to edit out time and frames from the video. Through teacher-led collaboration with technology experts equipped to individualize professional learning to meet the teacher's specific needs, we can create meaningful Professional learning. To succeed in the professional learning community, we need to focus on learning rather than teaching, work collaboratively and hold ourselves accountable for results. Blopper Video Team: Stacie Perez Leticia Cortez Lola Gatlin Lorena Rodriguez Call to Action Scrip 5389 ADL-5389 References: Duarte, N. [Stanford Graduate School of Business]. (2013a, March 21). Nancy Duarte: How to tell a story [Video file]. Retrieved from Gulamhussein, A. (2013). Teaching the Teachers Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability. Center for Public Education. Retrieved from Many, T. W., & Sparks-Many, S. K, (2015). Leverage: Using PLCs to promote lasting improvement in schools . Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press

  • Contribution 5304 | Lorena Rodriguez

    Contribution to Learning Community “Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” By Andrew Carnegie ​ ​ Grades: 5304: 96/100 5317:96/100 During classes 5304 Leading Organizational Change and 5317 Digital Environment Resources, I understood how to apply technology as a catalyst in the classroom to help improve learning. These classes brought me significant challenges in understanding what it takes to be a leader in an organization and use digital resources, such as creating a video and drafting an article. During these eight weeks, they have been full of challenges, but they are full of dedication, perseverance, and heart. Reflecting on what I did in the last module and these eight weeks, I realized that my perspective had changed considerably. One of the challenges I had in my first classes was to acquire the habit of reading reflectively, and I think I have achieved it and love being motivated through reading. During these eight weeks, I read all the recommended readings. I have read several books, including Crucial conversation, The 4Disciplines of Execution, Influencer the New Science of Leading Change and Start with Why. Also, one of my purposes was to start reading before class and to do my discussions before class. I improved on the readings, I was ready for the course, and the discussions were on time to give feedback to my peers. Another critical point for success in these two classes is that I completed all my assignments on time and attended all classes. If I had any questions, I would watch the class video sent by the teachers again, or I would ask in the group with my classmates through GroupMe, text message, and zoom. Every week we had a conference to do projects together like the one on My Why. ​ ​ My 5304 team: Elda Mancha Erika Montroy Leticia Cortez Lola Gatlin Stacey Perez Lorena Rodriguez ​ ​ ​ My team 5313: Brandy Dinkins Elda Mancha Erika Montroy Christine Glenn Lorena Rodriguez One of the challenges I had in class 5304 was understanding the Influencer book that I read in English and Spanish, and even so, it was complicated for me, but thanks to my team and Dr. H I could understand better about the subject. Every week through the Zoom application Lola, Stacie, Letty, and I clarified the work to be done, and thanks to them, these eight weeks in this class have passed very quickly, and thanks to their contributions, the work became more precise and more accessible for me. One of the challenges I had in class 5317 was creating a video with my voice. I am not a person who likes to make videos, and if you see them, you will realize how nervous I was; I think my voice even trembles, but I did it, and I feel happy with myself since every little step count in these new challenges. Key contributions: Every day, I checked GroupMe and text messages and helped my colleagues. I gave feedback to my peers respectfully and constructively. I read and reflected on all the feedback I received about my work. I made the corrections that I received from my colleagues and teachers in the e-Portfolio. I have attended all sessions of both classes. I have read all the required readings, watched the videos for each class, and researched and reviewed other sources outside the course suggestions. I Turn in all my assignments on time for both subjects, 5304 and 5317. I reviewed all the discussions. I also gave at least three or five comments to different colleagues in the discussion forum. I have shared and learned with my work team. Supporting contributions: Regularly during these eight weeks, we had conferences through the Zoom application. We were also in daily contact through GroupMe and text messages, where we discussed some readings and clarified doubts about the work. We were in constant communication and gave each other support. Areas to improve: During the first week, read as much as possible and write essential points. Have the discussions one day before each class. Start creating the drafts of each work and thus have time to modify them. During the course, ask questions. Do my assignments at least four days before the due date to share them with my colleagues, receive feedback, and modify the work. I need to improve my APA citation form. Despite the pandemic situation, at the beginning of classes, everyone in my family caught COVID. I fulfilled the established requirements during these two courses and did my best. References Harapnuik, D. (2021). It is About learning: Contributions. Assessment OF/FOR/AS Learning. Retrieved from: Search Results For contributions | 14 Results | It's About Learning ( Collaboration EDLD- 5304 Blog 5304 EDLD-5317 Blog 5317

  • Creating a Significant Learning Environment with a New Culture of Learning | My Learning Path!!!!!!

    Creating a Significant Learning Environment with a New culture of learning "You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation." -Plato In a New Culture of Learning , authors Douglas Thomas and Jhon Seely Brown (2011) explain that a new culture of learning has two elements: "The first is a massive information network that provides almost unlimited access and resources to learn about anything. Second is a bounded and structured environment that allows the unlimited agency to build and experiment with things within those boundaries." How can we implement these two elements in our classroom? Douglas Thomas mentions in his book that for a new culture of learning to exist, we need to incorporate passion, imagination, and constraint; the main ingredient is the play. Douglas Thomas defines play "as an emergent property of the application of roles to the imagination." Combining these elements helps to cultivate our students' imagination and helps us have an authentic learning environment. The new culture of learning is adapting to changes and seeking new ways of learning through innovation, cultivating imagination, and learning by doing. According to Professor Douglas Thomas, his main objective is to seek a balance between the institutional structure and individual freedom. Douglas Thomas defines the New Culture of Learning as "finding new ways to capture and harness imagination in a world of constant change." Facing changes in our lives is a process that takes time and effort; Likewise, a change in the educational system is necessary over time. For the change to start happening, it first must start with me as a teacher, and then I can motivate those involved in my innovation pilot. Dr. Harapnuik defines CSLE (Creating Significant Learning Environments) as an integrated approach to creating flexible, engaging, and effective learning environments. Creating a significant learning environment -CSLE- where the student is the center and allows my students to develop and execute at their own pace, choice, ownership, and voice, we can begin to create lifelong learners through authentic learning -COVA-. This change in our classrooms from the traditional teaching approach to the CSLE+COVA approach is necessary for students to enhance their knowledge and confidence in the classroom. CSLE+COVA+PASSION+IMAGINATION+CONSTRAINT+PLAY with these factors, we can have an appropriate environment where students can grow their minds and show their abilities and needs. Dr. Harapnuik mentions that the roles of the teacher are Presenter, Facilitator, Coach, and Mentor. Douglas Thomas says that "the teacher's job is to create a context where we can cultivate imagination, honor passion, and help people connect their passions to what they need to learn." To create a significant learning environment and incorporate a new culture of learning, we must focus on student-centered learning and emphasize elements such as passion, imagination, and constraint built with the play. For children, passion comes from what they see around them and their curiosity to know more. As teachers, we need to allow the students to explore and cultivate their passions in an environment appropriate to their age and needs. Douglas Thomas says that "the play helps students develop their imaginations. "The connection between resources and personal motivation led people to cultivate their imagination and recreate the space in a new way" (Thomas Douglas, 2011). The three dimensions of learning are knowing, making, and playing. Knowing knowledge is a fact that can be true or false; it is concerned with two questions What and Where. Making things happens through hands-on activities to create something. To Huizinga, "play is not something we do; it is who we are." In the twenty-first century, an environment is required where students are building, creating, and participating. Based on my experience and connecting with Thomas and Brown's A New Culture of Learning: Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change (2011). I have been working for nine years in preschool because I use the play to learn, so I never get bored. We are always playing, singing, dancing, and using technology. As a preschool teacher, I can support my students by creating a significant learning environment. I have started with the classroom where my Innovation Plan is piloted to begin the process. To develop passion, imagination, and constraint through play, I will include in my innovation plan the model of blended learning methodologies studied and implemented for this 21st century. Blended learning allows students to acquire individual learning, improves the teaching routine, and helps the teacher monitor student progress to get an evaluation. Blended learning has many benefits . During 20 years of working in classrooms, I have seen that children lack the motivation to read. Most read because they must do some homework; it is required to read. Reading is essential for students because it has many benefits. At the beginning of the program, my goal was to promote the pleasure of reading and create a habit. Usually, my students have the freedom to choose the book or the iPad and the place where they want to read; they also read at their own pace. The books to select and the iPad readings follow TEKS and District requirements. This project is focused on all pre-kindergarten students since reading is essential for learning. I am applying pedagogical theories , constructivism . One of the articles that helped me clarify my ideas for this project was "Do we need a Theory of Blended Learning?" (Bates, 2021). In every project, there are challenges. One of the challenges to face is teaching students for life. With the use of technology, in this case, the iPad, students need to learn how to use this tool. Another critical challenge is that children are easily distracted at this age, so they do not have self-discipline. The way to face the challenge is to have the necessary resources so that students can do hands-on activities and that the lessons are connected to previous knowledge and can be applied to real life. Monitoring the students is how I will know if they used the applications. Some rules must be followed in every organization, and the Channelview District is no exception. However, my school has a principal committed to children. She is aware that we need to make changes in our education, so the principal is excited and interested in the project's execution. Some strategies have been used in the past, and we can connect them with technology and thus continue using them. So, it is time to change and implement student-centered with a creative learning environment where we put play as the main ingredient. Douglas Thomas invites us to develop passion, motivation, and constraint through play. My innovation plan is fun and creative, where children can develop the elements required for a New Culture of learning. ​ Bates, T. (2019, March 18). Learning theories and online learning | Tony Bates. Tony Bates |. Bates, T. (2021, October 20). Do we need a theory for blended learning? | Tony Bates. Tony Bates |. Retrieved October 27, 2021, from Harapnuik, D. (2015, May 8). Creating Significant Learning Environments (CSLE). TEDx. (2012, September 12). A New Culture of Learning, Douglas Thomas [Video]. YouTube. Thomas, D., & Brown, J. S. (2011). A New Culture of Learning: Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change. CreateSpace Independent ​ My Innovation Plan

  • Contribution 5313 | We Can Grow Together!!!!!

    Contribution to Your Learning and the Learning Community ​ “Many hands make light works” -John Heywood Grades: 5303: 95/100 5313: 95/100 During classes, 5303 Appling Educ Teach: portfolio and 5313 Create Significant Learning Environment, I understood how to apply technology as a classroom tool to help to learn development. Creating the portfolio brought me challenges such as changing my mind from "I can't make a digital notebook; a notebook and a pencil is better" now to I have to try it. My perspective has changed because my digital notebook doesn't break; it doesn't get lost and doesn't get wet. I can't lie that I spent a week learning, experimenting, browsing, deleting, changing, and redesigning to understand how to use the WIX platform. I'm still working on it because I learned that the portfolio is endless, and there is always something to modify. I had never created a portfolio, and it fascinated me; one purpose I have for this summer with my children is to help them develop their portfolios. Reflecting on what I did in the last module and these eight weeks, I realized that my perspective had changed considerably. One of the challenges I had in my first classes was to acquire the habit of reading reflectively, and I think I have achieved it and love to feel motivated through reading. During these eight weeks, I read all the recommended readings. I read several books, Understanding by Design and A New Culture of Learning: Cultivating the imagination for a world of constant change. Also, one of my purposes was to start reading before the class started and do my discussions before class. I think I have improved in the readings, and I was ready for the course, and the discussions were on time to give feedback to my classmates. Another critical point for success in these two classes is that I turned in all my assignments on time and attended all the classes. If I had any questions, I returned to watch the class video sent by the teachers or ask in the group with my classmates through GroupMe. My Team 5303: Deena Boland Dawn Short Jose Velarde Varela Lorena Rodriguez My Team 5313: Brandy Dinkins Elda Mancha Erika Montroy Staci Thomas Lorena Rodriguez One of the challenges I had in class 5313 was to focus more on the student, although I believe it is essential for teachers to ask ourselves how they will teach their students? Since each child is different. I am working on this point to complement teacher and student adequately and optimally where learning is enjoyable for both the student and the teacher. Because we teachers also need to enjoy our work and be happy. Key Contributions: Every day I checked GroupMe and helped my colleagues. I gave feedback to my peers respectfully and constructively. In the discussion forums, I gave feedback in a respectful way to: week 1 Sara Garza Staci Thomas Karin Stateler Week 2 Benajamin Branco Elda Aguilar-Mancha Barry Smith Week 3 Benjamin Franco Tristan Dixson Erika Montroy Week 4 Elda Aguilar-Mancha Tristan Dixson Ladonna Green Week 5 Elda Aguilar-Mancha Erika Montroy Staci Thomas ​ ​ I read and reflected on all the feedback I received about my work. I made the corrections that I received from my peers made to me in the e-Portfolio. I have attended all the sessions of the two classes. I read all the required readings, watched each class's videos, and researched and reviewed other sources outside of the course suggestions. Submit all my assignments on time for the two subjects, 5303 and 5313. I reviewed all the discussions and responded to all the feedback I received. I also gave at least three or five feedbacks to different colleagues in the discussion forum. I have shared and learned with my work team. Supporting contributions: Regularly during these eight weeks, we had conferences through the GoTo app. We were also in contact daily through GroupMe, where we discussed some readings and clarified doubts regarding the work. We were in constant communication and gave each other support. Areas to improve: Have the discussions one day before each class. Begin to create the drafts of each work and thus have time to be modified. During the course, ask questions. Do my tasks at least five days before the due date to share them with my colleagues and receive feedback and modify the work. I need to improve my APA citation form. ​ ​ ​ References Harapnuik, D. (2021). It is About learning: Contributions. Assessment OF/FOR/AS Learning. Retrieved from: Search Results For contributions | 14 Results | It's About Learning (

  • 5303 e-Portfolio | We Can Grow Together!!!!!

    My E-Portfolio "Clearly, the thing that's transforming is not the technology-------It's the technology that is transforming you." --- Jeanne W. Ross Currently, technology has advanced by gigantic steps. That is why educators need to learn to use technology to help children learn in the best era of digital learning. An E-portfolio is a tool with many benefits for the teacher, parents, and students. Weeks ago, I was adding, removing, redesigning my e-portfolio. It was difficult for me to choose the platform to build it. I tried Google slides, but I was not too fond of it, and my teammates recommended Wix and WordPress. Honestly, I just checked Wix, and I liked it, so because I did not have enough time, I did not check WordPress. By writing in my e-portfolio, I have felt identified with the COVA approach since it consists of giving the student choice, and so with the guidance of the teachers, especially Dr. Harapunik, I can choose what to publish on the blog. Another characteristic that the COVA approach and the e-portfolio have is that students own their learning. The last feature is that the student has a voice through authentic learning opportunities. During these weeks, I have reviewed many portfolios of other students. I have used Nelly Roldan Bio | Nelly Roldan ( because I like how she expresses her ideas and that they are connected to her experience in the educational field. Another one isHOME | teachingincolor ( ; I liked the teaching in color because it has a great design. The last one, HOME | Naima Bagot ( , has served me as a template to organize my ideas because it is difficult for me to connect the paragraphs to have an adequate and understandable structure. Creating the e-portfolio was and will continue to be an adventure where you can be yourself and express your ideas. Sharing my experience and knowledge with others is fantastic because we can help others and be the light of a new idea. Blog ADL Get in Touch

  • Implementation | Lorena Rodriguez

    Implementation In this video, you will see the implementation of the online course, where you will be able to learn a little more about the Implementing Blended learning course. You will also know what you will be doing in class and online. This course is 50% virtual and 50% online. Introduction Video Blog-5318 5318 References: Bates, A.W. (2019). Teaching in a Digital Age: Guidelines for ​Designing Teaching and Learning.​ ​ Harapnuik. D. (2021). Assessment Of/For/As Learning.​ ​ Harapnuik. D. (2020). Why I don’t use checklists, progress bars & other activity monitors.​ Harapnuik. D. (2019). Outcome-Based Education vs Competency-Based Education. (83) Outcome based Education vs Competency based Education - YouTube​ Harapnuik. D. (2019). LMD EP17 CBE VS OBE.(83) LMD EP17 CBE vs OBE - YouTube ​ Frog Street. (2022).Early childhood Education. Early Childhood Education Programs, Curriculum & Materials | Frog Street Fink, L.D. (2003) A self-directed guide to designing courses for significant learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (2021, August). ADL program map. It’s About Learning. Jim Collins - concepts - BHAG. (2021). JIM COLLINS. . (2021). ADL/EDLD 5305 goal & 3 column table. It’s About Learning. 87728225_1/xid-87728225_1 Search Results For BHAG | 20 Results | It's About Learning ( ​

  • Contributions 5302-5305 | We can Grow Together!!!!!

    We can Grow Together!!!!! Contribution to Learning Community ​ “Talents wings games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships” -Michael Jordan ​ ​ Grades: 5302: 45/50 5305: 92/100 My adventure in the ADL (Applied Digital Learning) program began with 5302 and 5305. I was out of school for over 20 years and felt anxious when I started this program. I know my weaknesses and strengths, and one of my challenges was studying online because I lack technological skills. Constructivism is part of my academic instruction, and when Dr. H introduced the COVA + CSLE approach, I felt excited, but at the same time, I had a lot of work to do. Another of my challenges was to activate the habit of reading; it has been challenging but not impossible. I remember the first zoom class feeling sick from anxiety, fear, and nerves. I remember that "please don't ask me anything directly" went through my mind. When Dr. H told us to make groups, I froze. But I thought, how can I be part of a team? so I posted in the student lounge of each class that if someone wanted to team up with me, they would send me a message on my cell phone. The first to respond was Deena, and she suggested using the GroupMe app, and she created the group and taught me how to use it and add more friends. ​ My team in class 5305: Jose Velarde Dawn Short, Deena Boland, Lorena Rodriguez My team in class 5302: Deena Boland, Elda Manch a, Erika Montroy , Erika Robey, Lorena Rodriguez Jose sent the meeting link through blackboard (messages), and we met on Sundays at 7 pm through the GoTo application. And we also maintained communication through GroupMe when we had doubts, and we sent each other the works to give feedback. I am pleased with my two groups. I have learned a lot from them. Key Contributions: Every day I checked GroupMe, blackboard messages, emails to share discussions and help my colleagues. I frequently gave feedback to my peers respectfully and constructively. I read and reflected on all the feedback I received about my work. I made the corrections that I received from my teachers made to me in the revised papers. I have attended almost all the sessions of the two classes, and if I was absent, I waited for the teacher to send the recording link, and I looked at it to make my class notes. I read all the required readings, watched each class's videos, and researched and reviewed other sources outside of the course suggestions. Submit all my papers on time for the two subjects, 5302 and 5305. I reviewed all the discussions and responded to all the feedback I received. I also gave at least three feedbacks to different colleagues in the discussion forum. I have shared and learned with my work team and my sister, writing about using technology in mathematics, specifically multiplication tables. Supporting contributions: Regularly during these eight weeks, we had conferences through the GoTo app. We were also in contact daily through GroupMe, where we discussed some readings and clarified doubts regarding the works. We were in constant communication and gave each other support. Areas to improve: Start reading the readings from before the first class. During the first week, read as much as possible and write essential points. Have the discussions one day before each class. Begin to create the drafts of each work and thus have time to be modified. During the course, ask questions. Do my tasks at least five days before the due date to share them with my colleagues and receive feedback and modify the work. I need to improve my APA citation form. These two classes have been challenging for me; changing from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset has not been easy, and I am still struggling with my mind. Innovating a project has not been as easy for me as a human being educated with a fixed mindset. With the help of my classmates and the teacher, I have been able to activate my dormant creativity. Collaboration and teamwork have been excellent learning. I have enjoyed being in communication with my colleagues and sharing ideas, frustrations, fears, and they made me feel that together we can grow. Thanks, team!!! Blog

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