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  • Contributions 5302-5305 | We can Grow Together!!!!!

    We can Grow Together!!!!! Contribution to Learning Community ​ “Talents wings games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships” -Michael Jordan ​ ​ Grades: 5302: 45/50 5305: 92/100 My adventure in the ADL (Applied Digital Learning) program began with 5302 and 5305. I was out of school for over 20 years and felt anxious when I started this program. I know my weaknesses and strengths, and one of my challenges was studying online because I lack technological skills. Constructivism is part of my academic instruction, and when Dr. H introduced the COVA + CSLE approach, I felt excited, but at the same time, I had a lot of work to do. Another of my challenges was to activate the habit of reading; it has been challenging but not impossible. I remember the first zoom class feeling sick from anxiety, fear, and nerves. I remember that "please don't ask me anything directly" went through my mind. When Dr. H told us to make groups, I froze. But I thought, how can I be part of a team? so I posted in the student lounge of each class that if someone wanted to team up with me, they would send me a message on my cell phone. The first to respond was Deena, and she suggested using the GroupMe app, and she created the group and taught me how to use it and add more friends. ​ My team in class 5305: Jose Velarde Dawn Short, Deena Boland, Lorena Rodriguez My team in class 5302: Deena Boland, Elda Manch a, Erika Montroy , Erika Robey, Lorena Rodriguez Jose sent the meeting link through blackboard (messages), and we met on Sundays at 7 pm through the GoTo application. And we also maintained communication through GroupMe when we had doubts, and we sent each other the works to give feedback. I am pleased with my two groups. I have learned a lot from them. Key Contributions: Every day I checked GroupMe, blackboard messages, emails to share discussions and help my colleagues. I frequently gave feedback to my peers respectfully and constructively. I read and reflected on all the feedback I received about my work. I made the corrections that I received from my teachers made to me in the revised papers. I have attended almost all the sessions of the two classes, and if I was absent, I waited for the teacher to send the recording link, and I looked at it to make my class notes. I read all the required readings, watched each class's videos, and researched and reviewed other sources outside of the course suggestions. Submit all my papers on time for the two subjects, 5302 and 5305. I reviewed all the discussions and responded to all the feedback I received. I also gave at least three feedbacks to different colleagues in the discussion forum. I have shared and learned with my work team and my sister, writing about using technology in mathematics, specifically multiplication tables. Supporting contributions: Regularly during these eight weeks, we had conferences through the GoTo app. We were also in contact daily through GroupMe, where we discussed some readings and clarified doubts regarding the works. We were in constant communication and gave each other support. Areas to improve: Start reading the readings from before the first class. During the first week, read as much as possible and write essential points. Have the discussions one day before each class. Begin to create the drafts of each work and thus have time to be modified. During the course, ask questions. Do my tasks at least five days before the due date to share them with my colleagues and receive feedback and modify the work. I need to improve my APA citation form. These two classes have been challenging for me; changing from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset has not been easy, and I am still struggling with my mind. Innovating a project has not been as easy for me as a human being educated with a fixed mindset. With the help of my classmates and the teacher, I have been able to activate my dormant creativity. Collaboration and teamwork have been excellent learning. I have enjoyed being in communication with my colleagues and sharing ideas, frustrations, fears, and they made me feel that together we can grow. Thanks, team!!! Blog

  • Outline Assignment | Lorena Rodriguez

    Name: Lorena Rodriguez EDLD 5315 Outline Assignment I. What is the topic of your action research? During 22 years of experience in the field of work, I have seen the same problem repeated year after year: children do not like to read, and very few students feel comfortable reading. So based on my experience, I started with creating my innovation plan , which is focused on promoting/increasing reading comprehension in prekindergarten students. During the learning of Blended Learning with station rotation , I found a more precise focus for my action research. Now I can reflect on the planning of my action research and thus create more fun activities and stations where students can be creative. Reading for pleasure creates a bond between the reader and the book, capable of having fun, entertaining, developing the imagination, enriching the vocabulary, and discovering new places (National Library of New Zealand). Dr. Seus wrote, "the more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you will go" (Chegg, 2022). II. What is the purpose of your study? The purpose of the study is to obtain data on how blended learning with station rotation can influence and help prekindergarten students' interest in reading and comprehension skills. Thus, based on the data obtained, I will modify the activities to help students who are falling behind and thus help them increase their reading. III. What is your research question? • How does station rotation with blended learning impact ELA achievement and comprehension in my PreK classroom? IV. What is your research design (Qualitative, Quantitative, or Mixed Methods) a. Why did you choose this design? My research design is mixed methods, Qualitative and quantitative. I chose both methods to have a more accurate and complete result. Qualitative data collection is accuracy, credibility and dependability (Mertler, 2020). Quantitative data collection is validity and reliability (Mertler, 2020). I believe that there are multiple realities constructed by different individuals and Blended learning allows students to acquire individual learning, improves the teaching routine, and helps the teacher monitor student progress to get an evaluation. For this reason I chose a qualitative methods. I believe that I can obtained data from a quantitative methods more accurate. V. What data will you collect? Qualitative data collection techniques: Observations, interviews. With these questions, the teacher can make a formative evaluation of each student. How does the child show enjoyment of reading? Does the child like to read the same book over and over? How does the child participate in reading related activities? How does the child interact with, books, pictures, and print? Does the child ask others to read to her? Does the child ask about meaning of written words or messages (does she ask what signs on streets or in buildings say)? What does the child do when she needs help in reading? How does the child respond to delays in receiving expected attention and/or help in reading from others? Is the child able to participate in acting out a story after hearing it read? Is the child able to retell a story after hearing it read? Can you think of a time when the child applied information she learned from a book? What happened? What kinds of questions does the child typically ask when someone reads him a book? Can you think of a time when the child asks questions about what was next in the story, or retold the story? Quantitative data collection techniques: station reading data. IStation will provide reports as skills and progress with accuracy like time, progress and weakness. Data collected from these two methodologies will help me make adjustments in objectives, activities and improve my action research. VI. What types of measurement will you use? Qualitative data collection techniques: Observations interviews Quantitative data collection techniques: IStation reading data VII. What is the focus of your lit review? The literature review focuses on implementing blended learning with station rotation and analyzes the effectiveness of reading in prekindergarten students. Reading is a beautiful interactive process in which a critical relationship between the text and the reader contributes to developing the cognitive areas of the brain and emotional development (By Auca Projects Educations, 2018). Douglas Thomas mentions in his book that for a new culture of learning to exist, we need to incorporate passion, imagination, and constraint; the main ingredient is the play. Douglas Thomas defines play "as an emergent property of the application of roles to the imagination." Combining these elements helps to cultivate our students' imagination and helps us have an authentic learning environment. Reference Auca Projects Educations. (2018). The Importance of Reading in the Development of Children. Retrieved from: La importancia de la lectura en el desarrollo de los niños y las niñas - Auca Chegg, EasyBib. (2022). Dr. Seuss Quotes and Facts. Dr. Seuss biography and Overview. Retrieved from: Dr. Seuss Quotes and Facts - EasyBib Fink, L. D. (2005). A self-directed guide to designing courses for significant learning. Retrieved from: A Working, Self-Study Guide on: ( Mertler, M. C. (2019). Action Research: Improving Schools and Empowering Educators eBook: Mertler, Craig A.: Kindle Store. Retrieved from: ​ National Library of New Zealand. Reading Engagement and articles. Retrieved from: Reading for pleasure — a door to success | Services to Schools ( TEXAS Prekindergarten Guidelines (Updated 2015) Retrieved from: Table of Contents ( Thomas, D., & Brown, J. S. (2011). A New Culture of Learning: Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change. CreateSpace Independent. Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by design (expanded second ed.). Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. BLOG-5315 5315

  • Connecting and Communicating the ideas | Lorena Rodriguez

    Connecting and Communicating Ideas ​ Professional Learning is part of the field of education. Despite the effort the principals put in, and it has been verified that they do not have the expected success and that a change is needed. To have a change, we need, in this case, all teachers, principals, and administrators to work together to be successful. We need to learn about The Key Principles of Effective Professional Learning to have meaningful Professional Learning. It is essential to find The "Why" that I want to change PL at my school. “WHY” Every organizational field has some form of professional development, whether healthcare, hospitality, business, or education. Corporate leaders are always trying to find ways to help develop their employees. However, unlike in other fields, an educator's purpose is to educate and inspire students to learn. A truly effective teacher must create a significant learning environment where students can develop as learning as they use their imagination and explore their passions. Students are not the only ones who must learn. Teachers also need an opportunity to build and grow in a significant learning environment. By providing teachers with meaningful professional learning in blended learning, they will be able to use 21st-century skills to increase student engagement. Call to Action To ensure that the implementation of blended learning is successful; we must provide teachers with quality professional development. This type of professional development is engaging, collaborative, and specific to teachers’ needs. Through teacher-led collaboration, teachers can explore creativity through choice, ownership, voice, and authenticity, allowing them a first-hand experience in which they can relate to the students and grant them a similar opportunity. By providing meaningful professional learning, teachers can explore creativity through choice, ownership, voice, and authenticity, allowing them a first-hand experience in which they can relate to the students and grant them a similar opportunity. PROFESSIONAL LEARNING BLUEPRINT We divided our Professional Learning into two phases. Phases 1 Building Background Knowledge is to inform and bring awareness of the new pilot. Within this phase, the purpose, call-to-action, and we share blended learning information with administration and staff administrators and staff. Phase 2 is when we put our plan into action. In the implementation phase participating teachers will create a blended learning environment in the classroom. After teachers have begun implementing Blended Learning, they will continue receiving ongoing support. As time progressed, teachers could share their strengths and work towards strengthening their weaknesses. Teachers will also share areas of success. To implement the plan, I proposed to the administration the need for disruptive innovation and the purpose of creating a Blended Learning environment . Once approved, we made a blending learning team that included reading coaches, an instructional technologist specialist, and a blending learning leader. We used the Call of Action video to introduce it to teachers. Teachers will know that a growth mindset is essential for students and themselves. Teachers collaborated with teams about personal growth mindset and how to incorporate it in the classroom. Educators looked at pre-kindergarten guidelines and Frog street content to align blended learning activities to the curriculum. We set up BHAG / WIG as a team based on student needs. After each PLC, teachers will fill out a Blending Learning Support Google form where they will input their areas or strengths and weaknesses. The google forms we designed are proper because teachers need support and feedforward. Audience Change is not easy; it requires great effort and dedication to make small changes in our work routine. To start making changes at work, we need to start step by step, so I will help my fellow teachers by giving support when they need it to be successful in this new project. Working as a team is more likely to succeed, so I included my teachers because our main goal is for our students to be both academically successful and lifelong learners. Fostering Collaboration To foster collaboration, teachers will receive support from curriculum coaches or Blending Learning Leaders; they can also utilize their professional learning community for additional support. Teachers will be able to observe each other and provide feedforward with Glows and Growth. Teachers will be able to collaborate during PLC and conference time and will be encouraged to pair collaborate. Educators can adjust their lessons according to their student's learning abilities and provide an authentic learning experience. Fostering Self-Directed Learning The impact of technology forces us to make changes in how we learn. As a teacher, we need to learn the skills of self-management, active learning, and flexibility. In PL meetings, we will have the opportunity to develop the ability of Self Directed Learning -a strategic and self-reflective learning process where the teacher takes the initiative to diagnose learning needs, formulate goals and identify the necessary resources to learn. One strategy to implement in PL meetings is encouraging teachers to set goals for themselves, providing them with the resources and support required to reach the established goals. I will also implement the COVA approach, where teachers have choice, ownership, and voice in an authentic learning environment. Another strategy to implement is self-assessment through Google Forms to know responsibly and honestly that I am doing well. What do I need to improve? And so make changes to be successful. Professional Learning Instructors Mrs. Carreon and I will lead as the Blended Learning Leaders and will give help at all times to the teachers either through email, google form, by phone, or during PL meetings. Mrs. Alvarez and Ms. Wood provide curriculum support. These coaches will assist throughout the year in aligning curriculum and blended learning. Mrs. Ramirez will write the agreements reached in each session. 5 Key Principles of Effective Professional Learning Time-It is vital that we respect teachers' time to ensure that the time we use is not wasted; we are punctual, precise, and engaging. Teachers' time is valuable because there is always something to do, so the time spent on each PL will be short but significant. Where doubts are objectively resolved in each meeting, some surveys will also be implemented through google Forms to use the PL's time shortly and aimed at clarifying doubts and supporting those teachers who need it. Support- Throughout this pilot will ensure that teachers have the support they need through PL and 1:1 support. Teachers will have weekly check-ins to ensure they have the support they need to feel supported. Throughout the implementation and learning process of the BL approach, teachers will receive support at all times, either during the PL meetings or through the google form. Engagement -Teachers will be collaborating and sharing. This will not be a sit-and-get sort of PL. Teachers will be moving from group to group to fuel their creative minds with ideas from others. Engage teachers in an active way where they feel comfortable learning Modeling-Teachers will observe Blended Learning Leader videos of how blended learning and station rotations were implemented.Observing strategies implemented in this case BL approach is the best situation for teachers to have highly qualified teaching practice. In my PL meetings, the teachers will watch videos where the BL approach is implemented, and there will also be a BL expert who will support the modeling of the BL approach. Specific content - Content will be tailored to prekindergarten guidelines on the subject -reading-.The content will be exclusive to prekindergarten teachers. Also, the BL approach and prekindergarten guidelines will be integrated into all planning for a better result. Timeline Date: November 28, 2022, to May 05, 2023 ​ Date Topic Activities ​ Resources and Media The innovation plan is the purpose and the plan to create 21st-century learning. The Why, The How, and the What are to bring into focus and create urgency for change. The four disciplines of execution help us focus on the wildly important goal, the ability to focus on creating change by holding teachers accountable through weekly meetings and scoreboards for motivation. The influencer strategy is to know the vital behaviors. The Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG), the 3-Column table, and UbD will be used to Create Significant Learning Environments. Growth Mindset resources will be available for teachers because it takes hard work to overcome challenges. it also takes failure because every time you fail, you learn a lesson.Some resources to use during PL are Google Form to do the surveys. Google calendar to schedule the dates, time, place, and moderation of PL meetings. Google Documents to write the objectives, agreements, goals, doubts, in short, to have a PL file. Google Slides to make presentations during meetings. The Youtube platform to watch videos that are scheduled in the outline. The smartboard will also be used as a technology tool. It is important to have a good internet signal to avoid setbacks and thus respect the valuable time of the teacher. Aditional Resources: Mindset Resources- The “Mindset” Mindset by Alfie Kohn Carol Dweck Book Summary Video Growth vs. Fixed Mindset ​ Summary My goal for this PL, is to provide teachers with meaningful professional learning where they feel comfortable expressing their ideas and doubts; teachers and students benefit when helping teachers. In addition, teachers will have the opportunity for creativity as they use COVA to create an authentic learning environment. In this course, I have learned much about the need for efficient and professional learning. I have grown to understand several things about blended learning with station rotations. One essential item is teachers' time is valuable and limited. They must receive PL, and it must be beneficial. If we follow the five principles of effective professional learning, we can create an environment to motivate and engage teachers to embrace change. The five principles are implemented throughout the PL outline. This PL outline provides a detailed plan to bring structure and confidence in creating a significant learning environment. In professional learning, teachers will not be simply ‘sitting and getting’; they will be active participants. Teachers will have an opportunity to learn and collaborate. 11/28/22 ​ ​ ​ ​ 12/12/22 ​ ​ ​ ​ 1/23/23 to 2/28/23 ​ ​ ​ ​ 1/30/23 to 2/28/23 ​ ​ ​ 1/30/23 to 3/07/23 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 1/30/23 to 05/05/23 ​ Blended Learning Innovation plan- The innovation plan describes an outline of what we want to incorporate in our classroom. Call to Action -A new perspective on Professional learning for teachers. Growth Mindset- A Growth Mindset describes success after failure or the power of yet. Create a sense of awareness of when we are resistant to change or tempted to give up when we face setbacks. Fink’s table three Column / BHAG - The three-column table is designed to create cohesive activities using various technology applications. The BHAG is valuable for considering goals, needs, and outcomes with one goal in mind. Environmental Checklist for Blended Learning Environment- Google FormBlended learning leader will provide feedforward on the teacher’s blended learning environment. Teachers will also be able to address any needs they may have. Technology (google form) Checklist -The google form will provide weekly information or concerns that participants may need help/support, feedforward on the environment, and session feedforward. Innovation proposal Review the proposal as a group To inform that we have a new pilot watch the Call to Action video. Teachers will be collaborating within teams about personal growth mindset videos and how to incorporate growth mindset in the classroom. Looking at Prek guidelines, year at a glance, scope, and sequence. Google Form, How to implement BL environment? Watch the video. Ipad Istation, reading Fill out our Google BL support form Blog-5389 Contributions 5318-5389 Collaboration Stacie: Professional Learning: | Stacie Perez ( Lola: Letty: Professional Learning - Leticiateach References: Duarte, N. [Stanford Graduate School of Business]. (2013a, March 21). Nancy Duarte: How to tell a story [Video file]. Retrieved from Gulamhussein, A. (2013). Teaching the Teachers Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability. Center for Public Education. Retrieved from ​ ​ Fink, L.D. (2003) A self-directed guide to designing courses for significant learning. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass. (2021, August). ADL program map. It’s About Learning. ​ ​ Jim Collins - concepts - BHAG. (2021). JIM COLLINS. . (2021). ADL/EDLD 5305 goal & 3 column table. It’s About Learning. Many, T. W., & Sparks-Many, S. K, (2015). Leverage: Using PLCs to promote lasting improvement in schools. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press Harapnuik Dwayne. April 1, 2020. It's About Learning. Creating Significant Learning Environments Search Results For blended learning | 64 Results | It's About Learning ( ​

  • Letter Proposal | We can Grow Together!!!!!

    Letter proposal Blended Learning-Reading for Pleasure ​ Dear teachers and administrators of CVISD, Reading is essential in the lives of our school-age children. During my experience as a teacher, I have noticed that students do not like to read and that they only read out of obligation. I am currently studying an MED in Applied Digital Learning. I have acquired some concepts, approaches, and models that allow me to propose to pilot the Blended Learning program to implement it with students. Blended Learning is a program where students can learn using technology with teacher guidance. We can implement it for a year, and we will be able to acquire data and determine the efficiency of the Blended Learning with Rotation model program. Iam proposing to pilot the implementation of Blended Learning with Rotation model, which consists of the Rotation Center, Lab Rotation, and Flipped Rotation. Rotation Center consists of placing four stations: 1.- Small-group direct instruction with the teacher. 2.- Audiobooks using iPad also some apps like I-station. 3.- Writing center where the children will draw what they liked most about the story. 4.-Pretend to be a character. At these stations, students will rotate every 20 minutes and can learn in a fun way. Lab Rotation consists of taking students once a week to work on different applications such as I-station. Flipped Classroom consists of students accessing the station platform to read books and then asking the teacher questions in the classroom. This proposal aims to create an environment in the classroom where the students can learn freely and at their own pace. Some benefits would be that students will progress in their own time, space, and at their level. They will also be able to acquire the habit of reading and READ for pleasure. Dr. Seuss says, "The more that you Read, the more things you will Know. The more that you Learn, the more places you will Go." Please, let me know if you need any additional information or more specific details. Kind regards, Lorena Rodriguez Blog-5305 Back

  • BHAG | We can Grow Together!!!!!

    Aligning Outcomes, Activities, and Assessment and BHAG I learned about Fink's guide r e garding aligning outcomes, assessment, and activities during these three weeks. Using the guide, I created a course for my pre-kinder class: Interactive Read-Aloud and Literature Discussion. The course outcomes planning process and 3-column table helped me visualize the goal of my innovation plan as more specific and concrete. During creating my innovation plan, I felt a bit confused about how to implement specific activities to encourage students to read for pleasure. This goal has become my BHAG to promote reading for pleasure by reading comprehension. References: Fink, L.D. (2003) A self-directed guide to designing courses for significant learning. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass. (2021, August). ADL program map. It’s About Learning. Jim Collins - concepts - BHAG. (2021). JIM COLLINS. . (2021). ADL/EDLD 5305 goal & 3 column table. It’s About Learning. Pinnell, Gay Su, Fountas Irene C. (2011). Literacy Beginnings a Prekindergarten Handbook. United states. Heinemann Greenwood Publishing Group. ​ ​ ​

  • 404 | Lorena Rodriguez

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