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COVA and your e-Portfolio

Updated: May 10, 2022

Believe!!!! Without hesitation, COVA is a method that has helped me change the way I teach preschool children. Every day I feel the commitment to apply COVA in my classroom because after reading and seeing the research of the creators of this method, I believe that today's students need to be trained with the skills required in the 21st century. This morning, on my way to school with my 12-year-old son, named Nathan, we talked about how teachers evaluate students. He told me that he made an effort to do the work and that in the end, the teacher always found a "but," and well, he got 80 or 90, and he said no matter how much effort we put into the work, the teacher would always grade in his way. This conversation made me think and feel sad because with the traditional way of grading and praising children, we hurt our students' feelings and discourage them. So I want to help other teachers change the way we teach and apply COVA on campus. I am motivated to continue writing for my e-Portfolio even though I haven't published anything yet because I am learning how to use it.

I want to add some feedback from my classmates in class 5302:

Selina Summers RE: Believe!!!!

How awesome that you are already exposing preschoolers to choice and ownership of their work. You are giving them a strong foundation!

Kimberly Purvis RE: Believe!!!!

Wow! I agree with Selina! What a wonderful thing to implement COVA at such a young age. The more I learn about this method, the more I wish I had known about applying it much earlier in my life and in the lives of those I came in contact with. Your PreK students are lucky to have you. My children are 16 and 19 and I am applying this with them, but I wish I had done it much earlier in their lives also. I think it's wonderful that you will be able to teach him how to focus on the important aspects of learning and not just the grades. I feel lucky to have these classes to improve myself and others.

Hana Oglesby-Hendrix RE: Believe!!!!

I am astonished. From a couple of posts back, I remember that you did not know how to incorporate what we learned into younger kids. We always find sources of motivation in the most unexpected ways! Who would have known that Nathan would have propelled you more than you already are? It is so lovely to read that you have an idea, even if it is not fully furnished. We have all come a long way and learned so much in this course. It is time for us to step up and put this knowledge into action in our classrooms and beyond the hallways!

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