Personally, I like to use Facebook, and I have joined several groups related to my profession, like a teacher, groups of teachers, especially at the preschool level. Currently, I have joined a group where it connects to digital education.
1- Organized bilingual teachers
2-Prek, kindergarten, and 1st Grade Teacher's group
3-Digital Teachers
My experience in these groups has been great learning because I have learned strategies, ideas, room decoration. In short, I have had great feedback on a professional level. I have also shared doubts, and I have clarified doubts to other teachers. Being in these groups has helped me learn and grow as a teacher.
It has not been easy for me to change from fixed mindset to growth mindset, I am working on it. Sometimes, it is easy for me to have a growth mindset, but regularly I stay in my fixed mindset comfort zone. In the classroom with the children, I am implementing questions like; How could you make or change this block tower? What is the purpose of distributing food in the kitchen? I hope these questions help children find the purpose of their things. If someone had a contribution on how to implement the growth mindset in preschool students, I would appreciate it.