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Creating a Culture of Helpfulness and Growth Mindset

Updated: Mar 29, 2022

According to my experience working in a team, I learned that many characteristics of members hinder the success of teamwork. Some aspects of the human being want to shine and receive praise individually because this feeds the ego. This is because we were raised in a competitive way where the goal is always to win. In the classroom, I have seen that children do not like to lose, and this is where educators must take advantage of the moment to educate our students to work as a team and instill being helpful and that we all must help each other.

During the video, I liked the part where she says that there are no stars, and we are all valuable. I accept as a teacher that we praise our best students and that they are our "favorites," and we even give them little stars and stick them on their foreheads. I feel overwhelmed and wonder what I can do to change this habit?

Breaking with tradition is not easy, but it is not impossible. I need to shift from individual to collective with my students as a teacher. So, I need to inspire and motivate the children to be helpful, feel valued, and know that their contribution is significant to the team. We also need to teach them that conflicts are typical and that they help us grow and learn.

Fixed mind to Growth Mind

My interpretation of the word "yet" is that it is not done, consumed, or ready yet but is on its way to obtaining anything. "Yet" is a process to get something.

One of my weaknesses is wanting to solve everything myself without seeking help. This weakness is an attitude learned from my mom. After having learned a bit about fixed minds and growth minds. I want to start changing my mind to a growth mind. I read about how to foster a growth mindset, and there are three that I need to put into practice:

  • Collaborative work.

  • Not being afraid of failure.

  • Asking for help when I need it.

From what I have read about feedback and a growth mindset, I believe that the growth mindset can change the acceptance of feedback in the following way. Feedback is considered in highlighting what we did wrong, but this perception should be changed since human beings feel like fools when making mistakes, and someone tells us as we think more hurt. This action limits us from not wanting to commit challenges in life. If we combine feedback with the growth mindset, especially by giving wise praise to our students. It will help foster a growth mindset in them. Can the growth mindset help limit some of your own or your students' preoccupation with grades? This question is fascinating and complicated. At the same time, this entails many factors to answer it. First, I think that it would help reduce the concern of the students, but how would the teacher realize that the student is acquiring the required knowledge? Many more come to mind with this question. Grades are important because there are students who need to have excellent grades to get a scholarship or enter certain universities. It is complicated to change how we use grades in the educational system. Even in this MED ADL (Applied Digital Learning), we cannot get a C because we would lose the MED, and this is where we are learning this new perspective. I need to search more about grades.

It scares me to do something that I do not know how to do, and I think I must work on challenges.

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