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ADL Journey Synthesis

Every beginning has an end, and I am currently culminating in my adventure that will begin in January 2022. During the Applied Digital Learning Master's degree, I had many learnings that have helped me reinforce my learning philosophy. I am very grateful for each instructor who helped me give a different approach to teaching my students. Having received the COVA approach, where I take responsibility for learning, is a lifetime gift that I will not forget. I am implementing the COVA approach in my classroom step by step as prekindergarten students need guidance and some expectations in the classroom. I feel blessed to have taken the risk of change and fulfilled one more goal in my working life—Met goal Med. in Applied Digital Learning.

I decided to embark on the adventure of a Master's degree in October 2021; after completing the process, I started classes in January 2022. Initially, I thought I would have a traditional course that would only be the teacher and me, but oh, surprise. All the people involved in my learning process during this school year were my principals, colleagues, schoolmates, teachers, and me. My family was and is always supporting me and indirectly involved during my learning process.

During the process, I had many feelings. At first, I was confused, afraid, and excited, but as the days went by, I felt committed, enthusiastic, happy, and motivated to experiment since I learned well that failure is part of the process. I also had some challenges during the process, such as turning on new concepts such as COVA, 4DX, and the most challenging thing, getting COVID myself and my whole family. It was challenging, but I am happy with the commitment, dedication, and effort I put in during my learning process.

Some achievements during the process are:

  • Create, implement, and reflect on my innovation plan

  • Understand, learn, and apply the COVA approach

  • Learn, understand and apply Blended learning with a station rotation

  • Post an online publication about Blended Learning

  • Design, implement, and evaluate my online course for pre-kindergarten students

During my school's implementation process, some things worked, others didn't, and some could be done better. I'm going to start with my innovation plan that in the part of the updated innovation plan, I explain everything about my successes and failures.

 I am in the process of implementation all the strategies in class. From the beginning to where I am now, I learned that learning is a day-to-day process and that dedication and effort are required. The experience acquired during the courses in MED. Applied in Digital Learning brought me challenges but, above all, learning where I am changing daily, mainly from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. I also confirm My Learning Manifesto that students deserve an education with love and respect and that we must listen to their voices. My Learning Philosophy and innovation plan are connected as my students are learning in a significant learning environment with love where happy learning is promoted and creativity and play help lifelong learning. I learned that to be a leader, I need to be a model for others. During the process, teachers ask me how do you get students to go to all the centers and for them to choose the station. I explain a little of what I have learned in the courses, and I help them, from improving the classroom environment to how to use the blended learning strategy. I want to add an online course to my next innovation plan. I would also like to add a way to communicate my next innovation plan, which would be through a video where I explain step by step how to implement Blended learning with station rotation to increase learning. Lastly, thanks for learning the word YET. I want to be a model of how we can use YET in our daily life; I am satisfied with the difficulties I faced during the process because each challenge is a learning experience that helps us to be better every day, whether personally or professionally.




Applied Digital Learning Program



  • When I started in the Disruptive Innovation in Technology class, I felt scared because I didn't know what to do in the innovation project. Change, innovation, reflection, analysis, evaluation, and management are essential skills I practice in my innovation plan. After identifying the problem, I began to write a letter proposal to which my pilot project was exposed. Another essential aspect of implementing the pilot project is knowing, reviewing, and analyzing what our leaders and philosophers investigated on blended learning and reading. Educate yourself on the subject, so knowing the literature review is very important. I also had the opportunity to create the implementation outline, where the project implementation and evaluation are specified step by step.

  • This course was one of the most difficult to understand and complete the assignments. However, it is the one that left me a great lesson that helped me get out of my comfort zone and risk raising my voice.


  • When starting this course about growth mindset and fixed mindset concepts, I felt obsolete when I started learning about the growth mindset, failed strategies, and the COVA approach. I have begun to learn from a different perspective. The first personal impact has been continuous work and many fights in my mind because I had two little voices, one of a fixed mindset and another of a growth mindset. With all the knowledge acquired, I still need to learn more and feel motivated to continue practicing a growth mindset, and I also learned to implement it in the classroom with students by giving them motivational words. I had the opportunity to strengthen my learning manifesto, which shares my passion for being a preschool teacher. My learning manifesto is born from my heart, and it is my passion, so once again, I believe that children deserve an education with love and respect.​ Teamwork is very valuable and nutritious because we can share ideas doubts and help others be successful.  For teamwork to be successful, they considered that collaboration requires great responsibility and commitment to fulfill the tasks shared among the members. 


  • During this course, it was not easy to create and design, but above all, to understand how to use the Wix application. I spent many hours working mainly on knowing how to use the application. After learning how to use Wix, I love it. Creating the e-portfolio was and will continue to be an adventure where you can be yourself and express your ideas. Sharing my experience and knowledge with others is fantastic because we can help others and be the light of a new idea.​


  • During this course, I learned that putting the student at the center is necessary, and thus we create a meaningful learning environment where the student feels comfortable expressing himself. I also learned that knowing how students learn and apply learning theories is essential. I believe that creating a significant learning environment with love is an appropriate way to promote happy learning where creativity and play help lifelong learning this is part of my learning philosophy.

  • I learned about Fink's guide regarding aligning outcomes, assessments, and activities. The course outcomes planning process and 3-column table helped me visualize the goal of my innovation plan as more specific and concrete. Also, I had the opportunity to create understanding by design format, which I like it. I will definitely continue using it. Lastly, in this class, I read Dr. Dweck's Growth Mindset book; I reflected that we could achieve everything through perseverance and effort and that each failure is a sign that we keep working.
    Fink's 3-Column Table, where I incorporated elements such as aligning outcomes, assessments, and activities. Lastly, I read Dr. Dweck's Growth Mindset book in this class. I  reflected that we could achieve everything through perseverance and effort and that each failure is a sign that we keep working.


  • Being a leader is not easy at all, but I learned and created a 4DX plan for my colleagues during this course. By sharing my why, how, and what with my team, we were able to develop crucial conversations and thus maintain better communication. I was very stressed during this course because I did not understand the concept, but now I know it better and more clearly. I do not consider myself a leader, but I am a teacher with the vocation of guiding my students and helping my colleagues.​


  • During this course, I had the opportunity to surprise myself. Creating a publication and posting it online, I never thought I could do it. I felt very excited to share my ideas with other people. I plan to publish my thoughts through my e-portfolio or


  • During this class, I learned to design an online course. I started with an instructional design where I created a video, implemented Fink'sFink's three columns, and captured the activities for five weeks. Then create another video where I clearly explain the implementation, and finally create a video explaining the usability. I loved this course because I learned how to design an online class. Although there are some things to change for my next online course, I am happy with what I have done.​


  • In this course, I learned that we could have successful PLC meetings by applying the five principles of effective professional learning. I also learned that it is essential that a detailed PLC outline be carried out where there are moments to give support and motivation to colleagues. 

  • At my school, my colleagues and I implemented a call to action to attract and involve the school's academic staff to change the attitude towards PLC meetings. We then make a detailed PLC outline to guide colleagues through the process of teaching students.


  • During this course, I learned that it is essential to look for information to understand it and thus obtain a literature review where one benefit is educating ourselves on the subject. In my case, all the time I was focused on implementing Blended learning with station rotation to increase reading in prekindergarten students, I had the opportunity to make a detailed outline where I explained the reason for my action research.


  • More than happy, I feel proud of myself and my new self since, by applying the COVA approach to my students, I can see that they are pleased to be learning in a fun and comfortable way at school. Also, updating my innovation plan is an excellent opportunity to reflect on and analyze my successes and failures. However, everything is a learning process to improve every day, both professionally and personally.

  • Change is not easy; it takes time, effort, and wanting to change. But from January 2022 to December 2022, I learned, reflected, compared, failed, and combined my experience, abilities, and skills with technology to improve learning; here is my ADL Journey.

You will be able to:

  • Develop appropriate strategies to lead organizational change (in process)

  • Understand the leadership qualities necessary for supporting disruptive innovation

  • Research and assess the role a growth mindset plays in creating effective learning environments

  • Identify, investigate, and understand contemporary issues relevant to local and global contexts

  • Distinguish learner-centered instructional methods from teacher-centered ones and identify technologies that support each method type

  • Compare and contrast inquiry-based theories and methods as they relate to digital teaching and learning

  • Construct learning objectives, assessment items, and learning activities based on expected outcomes for online learners

  • Develop and support diverse communities of learners and reflect on how these collaborations can enhance your own and your community's learning. (in process)

  • Explore how adopting a Learner’s Mindset can enhance learning and prepare learners for life.


My Daily Goal

My goal as a teacher is to create experiences to awaken the motivation to learn. Provide a meaningful education that has significance for the life of the student. Work collaboratively with other teachers and share ideas. Instill in students’ values such as effort, perseverance, and critical spirit. Adapt learning spaces. Be a guide and role model for children. Observe, ask, and listen to the children.




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